

“Death of a Beauty Queen.” The CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) has done a documentary piece through their program ‘The Fifth Estate’ on the life and death of Alexandra. It was originally aired on Wednesday, January 14 during the 2003-2004 seasons. A link to their site can be found here.

Following “Death of  a Beauty Queen,” the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) has done another documentary piece through their program ‘The Fifth Estate’ on investigation into the death of Alexandra called “The Girl in Saskatoon.” It was originally aired on Wednesday, October 22nd during the 2008-2009 seasons.

Summary (taken from the CBC website):

An unsolved fifty year-old murder remains vividly alive in the memories of a Saskatchewan community with help from one of Canada’s foremost novelists. Linden MacIntyre investigates the murder of The Girl from Saskatoon.

Click play below to watch the CBC’s program, “The Girl in Saskatoon.”