I am Alexandra

My name is Alexandra Wiwcharuk.

I had a wonderful life, wonderful parents and great friends. I was Johnny Cash’s girl in Saskatoon, a Beauty Queen, a dedicated Nurse and a good friend to all. It was all taken from me that night.  No one believes, that terrible things like this can happen to someone.

It was 1962, a warm spring evening and I went down for a walk by the river. Everything happened so fast. I was savagely beaten until I lost consciousness, viciously raped and buried alive in a shallow grave.

My family and friends were so distraught. Why couldn’t the police find me? My body was only a few feet away from where they were searching.

Thirteen days later my partially nude, battered and bruised body was found by a group of young children.

It has been almost 50 years since I was brutally murdered and no one has found my killers. I know the answers to my murder but, like my body all those years ago, they remain just out of reach.

My body was exhumed in 2004 to search for more evidence but still nothing. Missing evidence, alleged police corruption and whispers of political cover ups shroud my case. It’s up to you now, you are the Voice of the Dead, speaking for those who cannot. Only you can help solve my murder. My family still cries for justice, they want “Justice for Alex”.